
About me

Nice to meet you
I am Jurgen

In a nutshell

  • Passionate about optimizing operational processes in organizations
  • Organizational design consultant and trainer since 2011
  • Public speaker at several events and companies
  • Hates sugarcoating
  • Proud dad

Jurgen De Smet has a rare and proven gift guiding the simplification of operational structures and processes by removing all different kinds of complexities holding back talented people to rise to the challenges ahead.

Simplification means addressing different kinds of complexity:
➸ Horizontal complexity- consolidating functions across the enterprise, growing highly effective cross functional teams
➸ Vertical complexity – shedding obsolete roles, layers and reporting structures in order for fast decision making and increased flexibility
➸ Spatial complexity – preparing distributed and remote teams for success, digital is in his genes
➸ Technical complexity – removing technical debt by decoupling, XP and DevOps practices, growing products instead of building them

He has taken companies in the most risk-averse, regulated industries and made them rock star achievers of sustainable innovation. His hard-hitting introductions to systems thinking, Lean and Agile have had senior and middle managers brand new to these ideas swiftly surrender to the value they deliver and soon unable to conceive of working any other way.

Yet the core of Jurgen’s leadership is not adherence to any particular methodologies but a voracious and contagious passion for results. Instead of adhering to some fixed framework or methodology where compliance to those replaces the real benefits, he creates students of the system to enable all involved to come up with emergent solutions, and come out ahead of competition.

Want to work

    What clients and partners say

    “I have recently attended a LESS course with Jürgen. I would like to thank Jurgen for a very well managed 5 days. It is very rare to attend a course where the instructor (i.e. Jürgen) has so much knowledge and can relate to all the challenges that the attendees put to him.”

    Amer Saleh. BSc. MSc. Business Consultant – BFSI at Tata Consultancy Services

    “Jürgen is one of the first certified LeSS-trainers. He has a broad hands-on experience with LeSS adoption from medical to telecom. One great thing about Jürgen is his broad knowledge and his ability to strengthen LeSS with other great ideas such as Innovation Games and Management 3.0.”

    Bas Vodde Co-creator LeSS

    “Jürgen has an extraordinary and sensitive ability to help people see, and own their insights. That quality, combined with his deep experience that spans from large-scale organisational design to startups, is a wonderful and rather unique combination.”

    Craig Larmann Co-creator LeSS
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